PROFILUX s.r.o. is a company that produces interior lighting and sells designer light fixtures within the EU in accordance with Act No 89/2012 Coll, the Civil Code, and/or Act No 90/2012 Coll, the Business Corporations Act.

PROFILUX s.r.o. processes personal data in accordance with the requirements of Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), abbreviated GDPR.

PROFILUX, s.r.o. is a manager of your personal data, which it processes in particular for the purpose of ensuring contractual relationships.

Data manager’s contact address:
PROFILUX, s.r.o.
Heršpická 814/5a, 639 00 Brno
Business ID No: 26946602
Phone number: +420 543 215 566
Data box ID: 2egu2ex

PROFILUX, s.r.o. has appointed a representative for the protection of personal data, and that representative is your contact person for resolution of any questions, requirements, or requests that you may have.

Personal data protection representative’s contact address:

Vladimír Kypr
PROFILUX, s.r.o.
Heršpická 814/5a, 639 00 Brno
Business ID No: 26946602
Phone number: +420 543 215 566

Your personal data are collected and further processed in particular based on Article 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation, and that processing is essential for the fulfilment of the contract and for fulfilment of the legal duty of Article 6 (1) (c) of the Regulation. Your personal data are collected and processed as identification, address, and contact data as well as other decisive data essential for the sale of products and the provision of lawful services.

In some situations, your personal data may be collected and further processed based on your statement of granted consent, in which you express your voluntary, specific, informed, and clear consent to the processing of your personal data for a particular purpose and which shall always include information about the option to revoke such consent
at any time.

During the processing of your personal data, no automated decisions are made based on which any steps or decisions would be enacted that would interfere with your rights and/or legitimate interests.

Your personal data are processed solely for the amount of time essential, which is individual for the specific purposes of processing. Following the lapse of that period, your personal data will be liquidated or further archived only for the period of time stipulated in the valid recordkeeping and document shredding plan, issued in accordance with Act No 499/2004 Coll, on archiving and record-keeping.

In connection with the processing of your personal data, you are entitled to access your personal data, to correct or delete your data, and/or to limit data processing, to raise an objection against data processing, or to exercise your right to transfer your data, and/or other rights in accordance with the GDPR.

You may exercise your rights by addressing the representative responsible for personal data protection (see contact details above).

Your requirements will always be properly evaluated and settled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the GDPR. If you disagree with the handling of your requirementsand/or requests, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Czech Personal Data Protection Office.

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